Work Life Balance (WLB)

1. Some factors that may play a major role in WLB are:

- Your Immediate Superior.

- Organizational Culture.

- Time Management.

- Career, and

- Flexi Timings.

2. Have open and honest discussions with your company manager and family about your commitments at work and at home. Open communication helps to set expectations straight right at the beginning.

3. Once this is accomplished, draw boundaries around each responsibility and focus on each task as needed without letting your attention overlap from one to the other.

4. When at work, think work, think deliverables, think productivity. Manage your time efficiently to optimize your work-day. And when at home, think family, think husband/wife, thinks children, as the case may be.

5. Remember that each needs your undivided superior attention and cannot be relegated to being an `afterthought'.

6. Remember every individual has different needs and, therefore, different priorities. Don't be threatened or feel inferior because your best friend is on a different situation. That course may well work for her/his but not for you. You have to listen to your heart and be flexible.

7. The plans often change sooner than you would expect, sometimes even from one week to the next. So balance your goals and expect to make compromises.

8. Flexible work hours can be in two ways. In the first, the total workday remains at the standard 8 / 9 hours, but start and end times are modified to meet the mutual needs of the employer and employee. The second arrangement is employees working longer hours per day but fewer days per week. These types of arrangements allow employees to better plan their time and their availability for life needs.

9. I believe that it’s not the amount of time you spend with your family that matters but the quality. Among other things, make sure that you share at least one meal.

10. In your team, you can make sure that everyone takes off for family time, be it children’s birthdays or anniversaries but ensure that someone can step in when someone else needs to be away.

11. Make a Work / Personal commitment calendar. It helps ensure that your work and personal agendas don't clash.

12. Have confidence in yourself and in the decisions you make. Live in the moment, focus on where you are and be happy with the road you have chosen.

Courtesy: caclubindia

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